Saturday, November 24, 2012

Soy Ginger Salmon w Raspberry-Walnut Salad

Here's one of my favorites! It's kind of a mixture of a couple salmon recipes I've stumbled upon in the past.

Soy Ginger Salmon (serves 4)

4 salmon filets (~6oz each)
2/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup agave nectar (or honey)
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 heaping tbsp fresh ginger, finely minced
1-2 tsp wasabi (optional)

1. Mix together soy, apple cider vinegar, agave nectar, brown sugar, ginger, and wasabi in small bowl. Separate out ~1/4 of mixture for later.
2. Marinate salmon filets in soy mixture in plastic bag for minimum of 1-2 hours.
3. Remove salmon from marinade and grill in aluminum foil on gas or electric outdoor grill at ~325 degrees, or on stovetop skillet at medium heat.. Grill until slightly pink throughout (10-15 minutes total, generally), turning half-way through if using stove-top, and basting periodically with remaining marinade. With ~3 minutes remaining, add unused soy mixture. Pour some of warm soy mixture from pan or aluminum foil over salmon when serving.

Raspberry-Walnut Salad

Walnuts, quartered
Wegman's organic raspberry jam (or any other thin, syrupy variety)
Apple cider vinegar
Olive oil
Agave nectar

1. Mix together washed spinach and walnuts. Top with fresh raspberries.
2. For vinaigrette, mix jam and apple cider vinegar and olive oil in roughly 2:2:1 portions. Add a small amount of agave or honey for sweetness. Adjust to taste. Pour over salad.

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